Final project: Initial ideas
For my major project in this term I want to create a showreel. I think it is a great opportunity to do something connected with my main future subject and to have my own portfolio for presenting myself on different platforms. As a showreel is usually based on few pieces of work, I came up with an idea to take three monologues for it and to make them in one 5-10 minutes video. I made a research on some of the examples and I liked the below showreel. I liked the way of shooting because they use close ups which show more deeply actors' emotions. However, I think it it quite short so as I mentioned before I am going to make it longer.
My main idea is to connect three different genres, emotions and even centuries. I want to show my diversity and flexibility on managing different material. I am definitely eager to work on Shakespeare's plays as a classical one, especially on Anne's monologue from "Richard III". I borrowed a book from the library to read the whole play for better understanding of the material. I did read Shakespeare's plays before and was on the theatre shows in Kyiv ("Romeo and Juliet", "Richard III") and in London ("As you like it"). However I haven't got a chance to present it by myself. I find it quite challenging but I like trying something new and developing new skills. I would be also happy if I got a chance to watch "Richard III" in one of English theatres.
I liked the idea of using very few decorations in the theatre show "As you like it". It could seem to be bored but it was very bright as it was focused on body movements, songs, and acting. I was also impressed how diverse is using of those decorations and how they managed to adjust them to all scenes. I would like to explore as well the type of costumes of that period which may help me to be more aware of my monologue's genre.
"As you like it" by Josie Rourke at Soho Place
"Richard III" is a story about an ugly English king who seizes the throne no matter what. He kills all members of the Royals who interfere with him because he wants to clear all the way to the crown. In the monologue I have chosen Anne after the death of her husband (Edward, Prince of Wales) and her father-in-law (Henry VI) is desperately accusing Richard III and cursing him about all crimes he has done.
I had a chance to see "Richard III" in modern interpretation in Kyiv theatre "Zoloti vorota" by German director Cornelia Crombhotlz. The genre of this performance was a political grotesque and the most unusual concept was that all the roles were performed by female actors. The director wanted to show that now all the roles can be played by women. Moreover, they all play several roles in this show. They played both victims and abusive characters. The main idea was to show that its the same as in real life - at first, people are victims and then they become abusers unless they choose different way of relationships.
My another idea is to take two contemporary monologues in comedy genre. I love comedies a lot however I tried to perform only classical ones. I am interested in exploring contemporary drama and I would love to watch it in English theatres as well. I did watch many contemporary shows in Kyiv and it is totally different from classical performances. It is more extraordinary because you have no strict rules or structure and you feel more free in creating your own performance. I also love contemporary art because it is much closer to our real life. In my opinion we respond to it better as we all recognise ourselves in most of modern performances.
I like the idea of mixing different genres and time frames because I believe it will help me to move forward in developing my skills, discovering new plays, the ways of performing them and my vision on these materials.
Tafta Production (2019), Showreel Examples. Available at:
"Richard III", Summary. Available at:
"Richard III", directed by Cornelia Crombhotlz. Kyiv Academic Theatre "Zoloti Vorota". Available at:річард-ііі/
"Richard III", description of the theatre show by Cornelia Crombholtlz. Available at:
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