As I have all three monologue shoots, I am ready now to finalise my project by editing it. I wanted to do that in Clipchamp where we practised in class and was quite easy and clear to use it. However, I faced the problem of changing the colours of the video after uploading it. I tried to figure out how to fix this issue but unfortunately didn't manage to do that. As I had experience of editing many videos before, I knew some other video editing programs so I decided to work in VN, it is also simple in using.
Firstly, I created new project and name it Showreel. I then needed to upload all three video which I did by dragging them into VN. I made sure that the quality of all videos is fine and nothing changed so I can move to the next step.
I then downloaded a black background to insert it at the beginning and in the end of my showreel where I can put the title, my name and credits. I also added two text boxes by clicking on the Text in the left menu. I made the title bigger and changed the font of both texts to Book so they are the same now. I also put them to appear one by one keeping some time between them and added fading transitions on them.
I then added the transitions between clips so it would change more smoothly. As it is a showreel, there is no need to put something extraordinary so I decided to put just a black fading transitions between all of them. I also increased a duration so it would be not too fast.
I then added text boxes on each of the monologues to put the references on them. I changed the font to Inter-M so they were the same. I also added fading transitions for in and out.
The last thing left was the end of the monologue so I added black background as in the beginning. I added to text boxes to put credits in them. As I shot this monologues by myself I didn't have many credits so I just put my name on it.
Finally, I have my project ready, I will export it now, upload on Youtube and add it to my website. These updates will be added to my Portfolio Post.
As I upload the showreel on Youtube, I thought that it would be nice to make a good cover for it. So I went to the photo editor, picked a photo of myself and out there my name and that it is acting showreel. You can see it below
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