Sequential pictures: In-class Practice

 In this post, I will share my work in making sequential pictures. After I got this task, I decided to go to the nature for doing this. When I need to find something interesting to take a photo, I always like to do it outside as there are lots of people who are doing different thing. It is enjoyable to observe them and you can always find something suitable for your work. 

However, this time I decided to use pigeons for that as I love nature, birds and animals. When I saw the pigeon standing on earth I got a feeling that it is going to fly up. As soon as I started to take photo of it, this happened and now you can see these sequential pictures of the pigeon's flight to the roof. But as it was quite quick action I could not catch a closer shoot.

I took only seven pictures, but I think in this case I should have done more because the beauty of the picture here depends on a bird's flight. I would definitely use another angle to make a shoot next time.

I used only my phone (iPhone 13 Pro) as I didn't need any other equipment.

I also went to Contact sheet generator to make a set of my 7 pictures, which you may find below

As it was only practice, it hasn't't such a good quality. However, I believe that I will improve it in the future.


  1. Interesting. What many see a menace you saw as nature and beautiful. It is good to see that you have included a reflection here and that you understand the importance of it for your professional growth.
    I agree that closer images may have been more appealing, but there is something to be said for nature within in the brickwork.


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